Media consumption habits in 2022, Bulgaria

To captivate audiences and compete with streaming platforms, numerous Bulgarian TV channels and producers are investing in the creation of original series, shows, and films that are distinctive and capture viewers' attention. The accessibility of high-definition (HD) and 4K televisions is steadily increasing among the general public, prompting broadcasters to offer higher-quality content that enhances the overall viewing experience. Simultaneously, televisions themselves provide their own streaming services, granting users the ability to watch their preferred video content online. 

Media outlets already recognize the importance of consumers receiving news and information through various digital channels. Websites, social networks, mobile applications, and video platforms play an increasingly significant role in content delivery. This trend is highly likely to result in changes in advertising sales and delivery models, as well as in the financing of media entities. 

The evolving preferences of audiences and their shifting media consumption habits have sparked a significant expansion in the availability of audiovisual content across various platforms. While the older population tends to favor linear television, younger age groups are increasingly drawn to connected TV. This shift provides significant advantages for brands and their advertising strategies, as it allows for more successful audience targeting.

Additionally, the role of social media is set to become increasingly significant, exerting a greater influence on the audience. Brands need to reassess their strategies on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and possibly YouTube, in order to cultivate a strong follower base and effectively communicate their content and messaging aligned with the prevailing trends among their target audience. By doing so, brands can foster trust and successfully convert followers into customers.

Published: September 25, 2023

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