Media consumption habits in 2022, Hungary

In Hungary, the average time spent on media consumption is 464 minutes per day, of which 69% is spent offline and 31% online. There is a clear pattern of parallel media consumption. By media type, the average daily consumption is 295 minutes for TV, 204 minutes for digital media, 152 minutes for radio and 17 minutes for print. 

For paid media content, most money is spent on the internet, but most time is spent in front of the TV. Hungarian subscription data show that 40% of households regularly pay for a film streaming service from a major - foreign - operator. The average number of minutes spent in front of the TV has been slowly declining for years, with a slight increase in 2020 due to the pandemic, but the downward trend was reversed in 2022. The share of non-traditional (non-linear) TV viewing time is steadily increasing. The launch of Disney+ 2022 in June gave a major boost to this rise, and although the peak season for Hungarian commercial channels' flagship shows - September to November - caused a small drop, the combined share of non-linear platforms seems to have stabilised at around 20% by the end of last year. Global players like Netflix are winning the ultimate battle - consumer attention. Local players are taking up the fight with local content, talent and quiz shows. 

More than 95% of the population uses the internet at least once a day in Hungary. TikTok is breaking forward in the youth segment, the platform has already 2.7 M active users. Podcasts are the fastest growing area of digital media, with 68% of people with higher education listening the format.

Published: September 25, 2023

Márta started her career as a junior media planner at café in 2006. After two years, she switched to the client side, and worked in the telco sector for 7 years. 
She returned to the agency side in 2017. She spent her last 13 years specialized in digital, taking part in the digital transformation of various client’s and fields. 

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