Media consumption habits in 2022, Ukraine
The full-scale war impacted Ukrainians' media consumption habits. Escaping Russian aggression, Ukrainians mostly carried smartphones as their source of information. This led to even more mobile consumption and accelerated digital growth. Our estimate suggests that around 91% of Ukrainians now use the Internet. Rapid news consumption led to the rise of messaging apps such as Telegram and Viber. Conversely, television content consumption decreased. However, we are now witnessing a partial recovery of television viewership. In the conditions of war, producers faced production problems, resulting in a scarcity of quality new content on television. Yet, whenever a new show premieres, it receives substantial attention from the audience, and some programs now have higher ratings than before the full-scale invasion. During blackouts and limited access to electricity and the Internet, radio experienced an increase in demand. Currently, we see that radio listenership remains quite high (around 50%), and it is one of the media that quickly regains advertisers' activity.
TikTok continues to grow in Ukraine. Overall, we observe an increase in demand for quick content – short videos, short news (such as in Telegram).
Another trend in Ukraine is Smart TV. The share of households with a Smart TV device has reached 27%, and every third Ukrainian watches content from an OTT service at least once a week.
Like all Ukrainians, the media industry stands united in support of our country during the war. We believe in ourselves and work to accelerate our victory!
Published: September 25, 2023